April 2009 Archive



Hey, it's me again!  I'm bacckkkkk!!!  I can't sit next to the computer long at all because I can't roll my belly up to the bar.  I usually sit on the recliner at night and do my e-mails then too but can't cause the laptop can't be on my stomach yet with the stitches and because I'm still so sore and bloated there. 

I'm going to make this short and sweet.  Good to be home.  One surgery down, now ONLY recuperation, chemo, another surgery, radiation and hormone therapy to go!  Piece of cake LOL! 

Don't have much of an active life now.  Basically, take pain pills, stool softeners, walk around the house several times a day (this helps move the gas from the bowels), and if all goes well, I fart a few times! 

Eating has become a challenge. Not so because I'm not hungry, but because my food restrictions are high.  NO DAIRY, SALADS/FIBER, SUGAR, FRIED OR GREASY FOODS OR FOODS HARD TO DIGEST.  That pretty much covers what I normally eat LOL!  They had trouble with my glucose in the hospital so I have to watch my sugar intake, no salads, fiber or anything hard to digest until my bowels are fully functional.  No dairy because it can cause gas.  So far, I've had more scrambled eggs than I can count but not much of anything else.  Tonight for dinner Bill is planning chicken and some mashed potatoes! 

Thanks again for all the well wishes and happy thoughts!

Please be advised that Moffitt does not allow fresh flowers, plants or fresh fruit onto the premises because of patients' compromised immune systems.  Anything sent to the hospital will be donated to an offsite facility.  

For cards and notes, the address is

Update:  Address with room number:

Terri Yavit, Room 530
Moffitt Research and Cancer Center
12902 Magnolia Drive
Tampa, Florida  33612  

4/29/09 (Bill) – I got Terri home around 2PM.  She's resting comfortably and is very happy to be home.

4/29/09 (Bill) – Terri is being released today.  More info later on.

4/28/09 (Bill) – Terri is doing well today and sends her love to everyone.  They've removed the catheter and her pain pump.  She misses her pain pump.  A lot!  But they're still giving her good drugs.  Hopefully, the IV will be removed later today.  She's still on clear liquids and had her first walk.  4 times around the ward.  And she peed like a "big girl".  We saw the doctor and he's pleased with her progress.  Hopefully looking forward to solid food tomorrow and going home Thursday or Friday.

4/27/09(Bill) – The surgery went well!  They removed the masses along with the ovaries, tubes and uterus.  The doctor told me that it was not cancer, but they need to wait for the final pathology report to be certain.  I spoke with the recovery room nurse and heard that she’s been floating in and out of sleep, but is doing well.  She’ll be moved to her room soon.  Once she’s settled, if there’s anything further, I’ll post another update.

As of 2:00PM, Terri is semi alert and loves her pain pump.  A BIG thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.  As far as the results, the final pathology report is more definitive than what they did this morning.  It will likely confirm that it was not cancer, but still possible for the final to show some microscopic cancer cells.

4/25/09-After my surgery Bill will be updating the webpage until I'm home recuperating, so continue to look for updates from him.


Thank you for your kind words, lovely thoughts, flowers, and gifts!   I burst into tears today seeing what Bill had when he walked in the door tonight.  I'm still weepy just writing this!   It has been such a blessing to be in a wonderful area with great people who open their hearts in times of crisis.  Most importantly, it's especially helpful to know that my husband has a supportive staff who can appreciate the trying time and stress he is under right now.   You are truly special people and I appreciate all you have done for us.


Before I forget...one more entry before surgery. 


MEN:  You have my permission to go feel up your significant others Ta tas (if you have a wife do her before your girlfriend please).  And no stranger ta ta's in the grocery stores either (I will not be hauled into court because of what I said-wives and girlfriends ONLY).  Don't forget your own! 

LADIES:  If you are due, have you scheduled your DIGITAL mammogram yet?  Just checking!

While we are at it:


Pelvic pain, fatigue, bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting, constipation and or diarrhea, abdominal distension, unexplained bleeding, urine incontinence (if the tumor is pressing against the bladder), and/or unexplained weight gain or loss.  It can even cause back aches if it is pressing on the spine.  shortness of breath if pressing on lungs.

Do any search on the internet and find a list of ovarian cancer signs and symptoms.  Don't wait until it's too late.  They are very vague and easily dismissed until it's progressed too far for treatment.  These signs can also be described as just the process of getting older (fatigue, constipation, urine incontinence, etc).  Don't ignore them.

Basically, if you experience any of the above changes, get checked.  Do not let a doctor tell you that you need to exercise more if it's fatigue, or that you are overweight and that's why you are tired.  One of my major complaints for the over the past five years to my general physician was  extreme fatigue (both here and in NJ).  I was always told "lose weight" or "exercise more".   I would lose some weight but in a day or two the scale would measure that I gained weight even though I was still dieting.  This would cause me to be disgusted and go off the diet.  Now I know it was probably fluctuations in my cysts, bloating, and/or constipation.

While I am not blaming anyone, I do wish I was my own advocate and spoke up more.  One thing to consider-do not list all your symptoms to the doctor and see if he comes to the same conclusion you have.  I would have thought if it's not a big concern to them then I'm just making a mountain out of a molehill.  Come right out and say "Because of my symptoms, I would like a CT or transvaginal ultrasound (sounds worse than it is) to rule out ovarian cancer".   Bring a list (available off the internet) of the signs and symptoms with your symptoms checked off.   Physicians are trained to look for horses, not zebras.  Sometimes there is a zebra in that field! 

INCREASED CHANCES OF OVARIAN CANCER (complete lists can be found on the internet)

Family history-not just your mother and sisters.  In my case, it is a paternal aunt who had the disease.  There is also the possibility that my paternal grandmother could have had it.  To my understanding she had "stomach cancer".  According to the genetic counselor, it could have been referred to "stomach cancer" because it was taboo to discuss woman's gynecological cancer back then.  Obesity is another factor in ovarian cancer.


It's been a few days to sink in and we're doing okay.  At this point I refuse to be "bummed out" (to put it mildly) until I know I have a reason to worry about ovarian cancer.  We'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.  Hopefully, I'm just growing the mother of a few cysts LOL!  Jeez, I'd never thought I'd be hoping for "just breast cancer".

I probably won't be typing up anything tomorrow since I have to pack up my pajamas, toothbrush etc for my hospital stay.

I did tell the doctor that unless it is an important organ, don't pick up and put it back in me if it's falls to the OR floor LOL!  Hopefully lots of fat will land on that floor.  I'd also be mighty obliged if he can spend a few minutes on a tummy tuck while he's knee deep in the area!

Thank you again for all the kind words and prayers on mine and Bill's behalf.  I plan on being home in three days come hell or high water with a few pounds left on the operating floor and some good news for a change.  Does anyone know how much a 13 and 7 cm cystic masses, uterus, and fallopian tubes weigh?  I'm hoping for 50 lbs at least.  With that surgery and the bilateral breast mastectomies in the next few months I'm hoping one day to hear from my doctor is that I am underweight and should eat something!


Okay, so now we are moving fast.  The transvaginal ultrasound confirmed that there are septated masses on both my ovaries.  Short of surgery to remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus and doing a pathology on them, they cannot rule out ovarian cancer.  They originally gave me a surgery date of May 15, and frankly, I broke down crying.  Not so much of the possible ovarian cancer, but more so in regards to waiting another three weeks to have surgery to find out what we are dealing with.  After a few phone calls and telling the nurse that I would take ANY day, any date/time/place at all to have this procedure done, she made a few phone calls and they moved my surgery up to this Monday, April 27.   I stayed at Moffitt later today to get my preadmission testing done and meet with the anesthesiologist to go over risks, etc.  Providing the insurance company can get the paperwork together, I will have exploratory surgery on Monday.  They will remove the ovaries/masses, fallopian tubes and uterus.  They might have to remove part of the colon, omentum, and abdominal lymph nodes, etc.  This surgery does not include the breasts.  They will be done at a later date after chemo.   I will be in the hospital for 3-5 days.  I will be recuperating for six weeks at home.  At least, that is how is stands now.

After the surgery Monday, Bill will update this webpage after I am out of recovery and settled in my room.  It is a 2 hour procedure.  Once I have my wits about me, I'll be back! 


No news is good news (at least that's how I choose to look at it)! Still circling the airport waiting for a runway!  Better than circling the drain LOL!  Right now I'm counting the days until next Wednesday when I see the gynecologist. 


It does seem I'll need an echocardiogram before (instead of?) the MUGA scan.  I have to go for that next Wednesday after I see the gynecologist.


I am getting bored with Terri's ta-tas, lymphs, lumps, bumps and cystic masses.  Any good news out there in the world?  Babies?  Weddings?  I'll even take hearing about vacations (I'll live vicariously through you if that's okay).


We've decided against a blonde wig.  I'm going with a frosted one.  I'll order it next week when I see the gynecologist.  Wigs have come a long way!  They can even cut them to suit your face/style better if it's too much hair, too long on top, back, etc.  There are many colors to choose from too.  Who knew?!  I also bought a few hats for my non-wig days or around the house if my head is cold.  I got another haircut last week.  It's shaved on the sides over my ears and the back.  The top is short and sweet.  I forgot how much easier shorter hair is to take care of.  Simple wash and wear.  Less hair now means less hair to miss later. 


I'm also getting my port in next week.  Hopefully if the gynecologist clears me I can start chemo next Friday, April 24.  My chemo choices were Thursday in Tampa or Friday's in Temple Terrace (I'd rather drive there).  I figure Fridays are better since they will give me the weekend to see how I react to it.  So if it's not 4/24 it will be May 1.  The sooner I start, the sooner I finish.  I never thought I'd actually be looking forward to starting chemo! 


Another thing on my schedule next week is that I signed up for a Look Good, Feel Better seminar.  It is a small class of chemo women where they give you lots of new makeup supplied by Lancome, Clinique, Elizabeth Arden etc. and they show you how to draw fake eyebrows and eyelashes and how to apply makeup so you don't look sick (sure, like the bald head and greenish cast isn't a giveaway).  I lose ALL my hair.  Legs, arms,  etc.  At least I don't have to worry about shaving my legs for a while!  Not to mention those pesky upper lip hairs LOL!  


Hello Friends and Family:

This year I have committed to participate in The Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk for the Cure here in Tampa Bay.  It takes place October 30 – November 1.  I will be walking 20 miles a day for a total of 60 miles.  I’m doing this for the wonderful women that have come into my life and crossed my path that have been stricken with breast cancer.  I’m doing this for them and for all women.   When a friend calls me and tells me that they have been diagnosed with breast cancer, I get very upset and think, how unfair it is for them to go through such a horrible ordeal.  I feel very helpless because there is nothing that I can do for them at that time, but be there when they need me.  However; this is a way that I can help them and many others.  I want to help find the cure.   Please visit my webpage, www.the3day.org , go to Donate and click on Search for a participant. Then put Marlene Herrera-Kotinsky press find a participant and you will open my page.  Here you can help me reach my goal by donating.  If you have any questions please call me or email me.


Stand for something. Then walk toward it.

60miles * 3 days * 1 goal


Thank you,








Good news-I had the ultrasound.  Bad news-the MUGA scan is postponed until they get approval from the insurance company (they need to see my EKG first).  Other than that, same old stuff.  I did mention to Bill that I am growing a pair of testicles they just haven't dropped yet LOL!



I went for genetic counseling.  Basically, bottom line, after an hour in traffic getting there (less than 12 miles) and sitting through 3 hours of documenting my family tree, the bottom line is I won't bother to get tested because I'm already having both breasts removed and I will most likely be getting the cysts and my ovaries removed (this will be confirmed when I see the gynecologist).  It's sort of a give-in to remove the ovaries given the size of the cysts.  Now that I am putting two and two together, the cysts also explains my constipation, back pain, and other issues that I thought was just a part of getting older.  Another factor about not getting genetic testing is that if I am confirmed BRCA positive (cancer marker found in genetic testing), then this will stop me from being able to pick up additional life/disability insurance after I am clear from breast cancer in 5-10 years.


FYI-the reason for the traffic getting to genetic counseling was

1.  One car accident.

2.  Kids are off from school.

3.  It was the same road that leads to Busch Gardens and their associated water park (sunny and 80 degrees today).



All I can say if you or anyone in your family is diagnosed with cancer (God forbid) clear your calendar because your life is one doctor/test appointment after another!  My GYN consult is on April 22.  Another two weeks of waiting before proceeding with something.  All I think about is the sooner we start the sooner I finish.  It seems every step forward is another two steps back.  This story is getting old! 


I find it frustrating because even though I'm heavy and not in the best shape, I've done my regular doctors visits, GYN visits, breast exams, etc. to keep up with my health (ok-maybe not the dentist LOL) and then this starts and it completely blows you away. 


Later today is genetic testing.  I'm sure I don't get the results for another three weeks LOL!  I just hope that the insurance pays for it and it's not another bill out of pocket.


Tomorrow (Friday) I get fitted for a wig.  I'm thinking of either blonde or goth (black).  The only two colors I haven't had in my life.  Seriously though, I'm going to try on blonde to see how it looks.  Bill can't come with me-he has to work-he needs to save his days for the "big stuff".  I'm taking a camera and taking pictures.  Then I'll decide and order the wig-excuse me-"hair prosthesis" LOL!



Okay.  Here we go.  Get a cup of coffee or tea and make yourself comfortable LOL!


The CT showed two large (size of a softball and another the size of a tangerine) cyst-like things on my ovaries.  They first want to find out what these buggers are.  I will have a trans-vaginal ultrasound and then see one of Moffitt's gynecological specialists for a consult.  Once they find out what these are (they were read on the CT scan as mucinous adenomas-which are benign, fluid filled cysts) then we can proceed with chemo.  Of course, they might have to take a biopsy of them too. 


The bone scan showed nothing except a small spot on a femur (leg bone).  Dr. Minton (oncologist) didn't seem too concerned about this.  She felt that breast cancer does not usually go to the leg bone in that respect and what they are seeing is probably an injury to the bone I had many years ago.


After ruling out major problems with the above mentioned cyst-like structures, THEN, I will go to have a port put in so they can give me chemo without sticking me all the time.  A few days after that chemo begins.  I will have at least 3 treatments of 5FU-100 chemotherapy followed by at least three treatments of another type of chemo (I think it is going to be Taxotere). 


THEN, after my body heals a little from that I get to have the surgery (3-4 weeks after chemo). 


THEN, after the surgery (another 3-4 weeks), I get radiation to my lymph nodes.  This is a process where I have to drive to the cancer center every day of the week (five days on, weekends off) for about a 20 minute radiation treatment.  I get to do this every weekday for 6 weeks.


After the chemo, surgery and radiation the final step is 5-10 years of hormonal therapy to block hormones from reaching and feeding any leftover cancer cells in my body so they can't produce any more tumors.


After that I should be good to go!  2009 is going to suck big-time!!!



Had to go for blood work because the CT test I had the other day can have a reaction and cause problems with my kidney.  I don't know the results but have to assume that no news is good news!  Tomorrow is D-day when I get more info from the oncologist as to where the cancer is and what the treatment is. 



I've been busy with work the last few days.


I went for a CT scan and bone scan today and I'll get those results on Tuesday when I see the oncologist.   These tests will tell if cancer has spread from the breast and the known positive lymph node to other parts of the body.   I should also be getting a treatment plan then too (i.e. when chemo starts, how often, etc).   I also have to go for a blood test on Monday because with the CT scan then give an injection that can react to another medication I am on and cause kidney damage.  I go for the blood work on Monday to confirm it didn't cause any problems with the kidneys.  I'm already sick of doctors/labs appointments and it's going to get a lot worse in that respect.

Keep your fingers crossed!  I can really use some good news for a change!  I'll post something on Tuesday evening after we see the doctor.  Until then, let's think happy thoughts!



Nothing to report today, so I'm telling a story that my sister sent me.


There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. "Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. "HMM, " she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, "Today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head. "YEAH!" she exclaimed, "I don't have to fix my hair today!"

Attitude is everything. As the saying goes: "The kind of life you will have isn't determined by what happens to you, it’s determined by your reaction to what happens to you."

Have a Good Day. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.  

Thanks Fran!