Last Updated: 03/27/2016 01:59 PM
Done in reverse chronicle order. New entries on top, older on the bottom.
June 23,
I'm doing good and remaining steady. Much of the time there isn't
anything to report. I'm on antibiotics for the temperature and that seems to
be resolving. My walking, although slow, remains steady. I'm still doing PT
1-2 times a week. Twice a week seems to take too much out of me so much of
the time once a week suffices. I need to strengthen my right hip before I
can fully support myself on walking with a cane. Next few areas of work are
walking with a cane, then hopefully, walking without a cane. Climbing stairs
comes next. I can walk up/down a few stairs at this point, I'm a little
unsteady. I can do some, but not a flight of stairs, not that I need to. I
think that pretty much covers it. I guess I'm looking at another few months
in PT.. Since there isn't much to report these days, I'm winding down my
posts. The tumor is gone, my PET scans are clear and as long as they remain
that way, I'm a walking miracle! Should anything change, I'll start up the
posting again.
Thank you! If it wasn't for my "peeps"-family and friends I wouldn't have made it this far. Even if we've never met but you took the time to read my pages, I thank you for caring enough to do so. If you are fighting a cancer battle-I won't lie to you. You have a rough road ahead. Many days are awful. You miss a lot. You sleep a lot. Hopefully, your pain is tolerable. If you are terminal, I'm truly sorry and I wish you comfort in your journey, with little to no pain. I was given 3-5 years. That was rescinded with clear PET scans after many chemo and radiation rounds. Who knows, maybe that clinical trial worked, even though I didn't complete it. I named my stump Hope-hope that my cancer doesn't return. Life is never the same after cancer. I just need to look at my scars and leg to know that. You don't go thru a day without thinking about it, even for a minute. Hopefully, you live long enough to not think of cancer for a day or even longer! I guess my message is, no matter how hopeless life gets, it's always worth the fight for another day. You can beat cancer, or at least keep it at bay. It's not always a death sentence. Lots of cancers are worse than mine. You just need doctors who care, open lines of communication and family and friends who are willing to support you thru it all. I thank all of you!
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Christopher Robin from Winne-the-Pooh-
A.A. Milne.
April 28,
I know, I know my posts are getting
further and further apart! I guess because things are beginning to get back
to normal maybe? Whatever my normal is right now!!
I'm going to physical therapy twice a week. It's very taxing on me mentally
and physically. Now come home and literally fall into bed and sleep until
the next day. I also recently have been scheduling my therapy for 10ish in
the morning. So basically, I come home, have lunch and go to bed two days a
week. I have to assume my thyroid issues have become a major issue with
this. I see the thyroid specialist (endocrinologist) on Thursday, two days
from now and it can't come soon enough!!!
Meanwhile I'm plugging along. I'm doing well with the prosthetic. I can walk
forward and backward with my walker. Next week we will start with a quad
cane, then a regular cane, then no cane. I think from the transition from
one to the other, the walker is the longest. I have to let go with one hand
from then on in, gradually learning how to walk without holding onto
something. Right now, Megan, my therapist has me walk without holding on to
anything for a step here and there. I'm more comfortable holding on with at
least one hand. I have got a good balance and a good gait, but as I walk and
tire out, it becomes sloppy and easier to fall so I always have to spread my
strength over the length of my walk. Go no further than I can safely return.
Makes sense?
Like I said, next week, quad cane. I'm thinking I'll be in physical therapy
for at least another month, maybe two months. One step at a time!
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